WellTree Mama is an authentically written blog for human moms on subjects human moms care about.
(Human dads also welcome.)

WellTree is an umbrella brand created by Jessica Davis covering her artistic endeavors including but not limited to her “parenting+” blog, WellTree Mama, WellTree Photography, WellTree Poetry, and WellTree Productions. Much of her work can be found at www.welltreemama.com.
WellTree Photography is the name Jessica operates under as she contributes images as a photographer for Shutterstock. Her images are available for download here. If you are a fellow artist/photographer and interested in becoming a Shutterstock Contributor, click here to learn more.
WellTree Poetry is a collection of writing (Mostly Haikus) by Jessica as well as reader submissions. If you’d like to submit your writing to be featured by WellTree Poetry, please contact WellTree via direct message, email, or contact form.
WellTree Productions is the name Jessica operates under when creating web design, graphic design, music, and video work.